Monday, June 25, 2007

How to Monitor Your Kids Internet With Ghostlog

The Internet has become the largest attraction in the world right now. You can find anything you want on it. That is one problem if you have kids at your home. With plenty of chat sites, meeting people that you don't know has become faster and easier than ever. I remember when my mom used to tell me don't speak to strangers, but now there are millions and millions of strangers in the Internet. There are plenty of sites that their intentions are not bad, but some people can´t be nice or educated. There have been thousand of cases of man chatting with minors, telling them really nasty and bad things, which are more for adult entertainment. And keeping the kips out of this sites is a full time job, since you can´t keep an eye on them 24 hours a day. I have a small niece which her mom has banned her from the Internet unless she is there with her, which I think is not fair because you can learn a lot from the Internet but i understand why too.

There are plenty create your own page sites and chatting programs and sites, that is hard to get away from them because they are fun, especially for kids. I bought a program which you spy to see what your kids have been looking at. It is great you can get passwords messages, both incoming and outgoing you can see all. Now my brother is not that worry because even if he is not home he is able to see what they look at. The Internet is a wonderful learning place, where you can find anything and have fun no matter your age, thats why you shouldn't take it away from your kids. Just learn how to control it to make it safe for anybody.

Another problem are viruses and spyware install by someone else in your computer. There are antivirus software and antyspyware software, find the one more suitable for you. Don't let someone else look t your information.

To get more information on how to keep your kids safe Click Here! and for spyware or viruses AntiSpyware and Fix Errors

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Side Note: I have been on the internet since 1994 and have found no better gost key logger then gostlog. I had three kids online as teenagers and they love to think mom and dad are not home and take a peak. Which leads to other peaks and then WHAT!
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