When you get a new vehicle, you select that vehicle based on several personal factors. When selecting which vehicle you want, you take into consideration such things as mileage, the extras like power windows and seats, and what you are going to need to use the vehicle for. When choosing a gas powered scooter, the same considerations should be taken into account.
Mileage and speed are a main concern for today’s motorist. Gas scooters can range from thirty miles per hour all the way up to an amazing sixty-five miles per hour and can range anywhere from thirty miles to as much as seventy-five miles on a single tank of gas. Aside for the higher end street scooters, the more cost effective gas powered scooters are continuously being improved upon.
Though the less expensive gas scooters are not traditionally street legal, more and more states are realizing the impact that gas scooters are having on minimizing the growing traffic congestion and are basically looking the other way as long as the riders are obeying traffic rules, not interfering with pedestrian traffic and not riding reckless.
One such manufacturer that continuously impresses us is Go-Ped. Go-Ped gas scooters are built to take a beating. Go-Ped has broken their gas powered scooters into three categories. City and Cruising, Off-Road and Competition.
City and Cruising scooters, such as the GSR Sport, is a quiet, reliable and economical motorized scooter with excellent performance. These are perfect as alternative transportation to and from work. These scooters are lightweight, and usually fold down for easy transport and storage. The Go-ped street scooters become so popular that you can see the average workers cruising to work all over the country. From the small towns to the large cities, Go-Ped’s are taking over the roads.
Off-Road Go-Peds, such as the Go-Ped® Trail Ripper have been featured in movies like “Reign Over Me” and are taking over the trails and parks. The Go-Ped gas powered scooters are built to last. Reinforced frames, un-breakable fenders and advanced suspension systems provide a smooth ride while tackling dirt trails and jumps.
Competition Go-Peds, like the Go-Ped "Interceptor" are built for both speed and endurance. Go-Ped racing has taken the country by storm. There are Go-Ped racing leagues popping up all over and Go-Ped is the featured gas scooter in X-Treme Games.
High-end, exceptional power and innovative design has made Go-Ped the premiere gas powered scooter for over two decades.
Find out more about the Go Ped scooter from the authority in gas scooters at http://www.tm-scooterhaven.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matthew_Smith